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Quirky Lemon

Quirky Cuttings Bundle - Mystery Rare Houseplant Bundles

Regular price $90.00 CAD
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chose your own adventure!

Who doesn't love plant surprises! 

This mystery cuttings bundle includes (at least) 6 fresh cuttings from my collection. They will come in a cute little box in my mucky rooting mix (moss+perlite+leca+love). Each cutting will be at least one node and 1 leaf. I always include a detailed care guide in case it is useful.

<<Option 1>> 6 hoya cuttings 
<<Option 2>> 4 hoya cuttings and 2 other cuttings
<<Option 3>> A total surprise!
<<Option 4>> healthy cuttings that have some imperfections - great way to add some rarer plants to your collection at a bargain price
<<Option 5>> 6 cuttings from my speciality Hoya collection

Previous mystery cuttings bundles have included:

Hoya: Serpens, Carnosa NOID Wilbur Graves, Heuschkeliana Varigata, Heuschkeliana Pink and Yellow, Lacunosa Silver, Krohniana, V Bella, Sigillatis, Compacta, Coronaria, Nummularioides, Pubicalyx super splashy, Mathilde Silver and Splash, Elliptica, Obscura, Latifolia, Wayetii Green and Variegated Kentiana, Rosita, Sunrise, Polyneura, Walliniana, Patricia (but more are now ready for a trim)

Other: more unusual syngonium, P. Hederaceum cream splash, variegated, silver stripe, P. Pink Princess, P. Melanochrysum, P. El Choco Red, P. Silver Sword, P White Princess, P. White Knight, P White Wizard more unusual peperomia, Scindapsus, Begonia, Epipremnum

There is some risk in buying unrooted cuttings but it also a GREAT way to grow your collection for a more reasonable price - this is how I grew my collection :)