Will you ship plants outside of your delivery area?
YES! As of March 2022 I am offering Local pickup, local delivery and Canada-wide shipping.

How does local delivery work?
You can pick up your purchase directly from me or you can request local delivery at checkout. I'm always happy to meet halfway if that's helpful!

Where are your plants from?
All the plants I sell are from my personal collection. They are usually propagations that I have grown out, or cuttings, but sometimes they will be plants I just don't love anymore. My collections is mainly made up of plants from Canadian sellers but I do import plants about three times a year. It would be unusual for me to purchase a plant just to sell in the shop, but it may happen, especially if I source a plant that I know my customers would like and I can offer good quality cuttings for a fair price.

Why don't you sell by pot size?
Simply because I think pot sizes can be misleading and isn't a good indiction of a plants worth. For example, a two leaf cutting of a hard-to-find Hoya that I have been rooting for 6+ months would likely come in a small 1-inch pot and would be priced higher than a 6-inch pot of syngonium white butterfly. But also, in my experience some plants like to be snug in their pots and I won't up-pot just to increase prices. 

What conditions do you grow your plants in?
I think I'm a little different to some sellers in that all my plants grow in regular household conditions. I don't have a greenhouse, tents or cabinets. Some plants that need it get a boost of humidity and some plants that are propagating or rehabbing get some supplemental light from a grow light, but in general and certainly any plants that I sell, are all acclimated to regular household temperatures, humidity and lighting. 

How do you manage bugs?
I use predatory mites as prevention (I prefer Grub Grenade because they work amazing and I don't like the look of the hanging packets). I also use nematodes in my substrate. 

What if I am not happy with my purchase?
I will be mortified! Our relationship doesn't end when you checkout. My hope is that I can support you and your plant journey for the longterm. If you're not happy with a plant please reach out. We will work together to see if we can help the plant thrive and figure out compensation - whether that be full or partial refund, or replacement or both.

Do you trade plants?
Absolutely! And not just plant-to-plant trades. If you would like a plant from my collection and can trade fresh veggies, or lawn mowing, or dog walking or books or whatever you may have that is valuable to me, please reach out. We can work out full trades or trade+cash.