Mental Health & Propagating Plants

Mental Health & Propagating Plants

Propagating plants is so beneficial for my mental health. It's not just the end result, it's the nurturing and creating and learning that gives me something to centre myself on. I've struggled with mental illness since I was a teen and sometimes it feels like I am on a constant cycle of up-up-up to lower-lower-low and start again. Caring for plants hasn't taken that away, but it has allowed me to practice and hone my strategies that help me to keep moving forward. 

I spend time with my plants everyday in some capacity. There's a mindfulness to working through the house to check on them. There's a calming sense when touching and observing them. There's a quiet joy to seeing new growth. But, plants also bring connection. Connection with my daughter as she helps me clean leaves and runs into my study to excitedly tell me her favourite plant has a new leaf coming. With my husband who loves hearing about the science of plant care. With my local neighbourhood and community as I trade and share plants.


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